Keoki’s Paradise restaurant hosted the second annual Keoki’s Ukes In Paradise Contest on July 28. Contestants were grouped into four age brackets ranging from kindergarten through high school. A thrilled audience watched as the contestants stepped in front of the crowd and played their hearts out. A few renowned ukulele artists also took to the stage to show off their talents, including Kaua’i recording artist Madison and her uncle Tyler Riley who provided entertainment during an intermission. Local uke player Aldrine Guerrero astounded the crowd to close out the performances. While all participants won prizes, the top winners took home 10 brand new ukuleles.
Photos by Daniel Lane
Emily and Kara Reynolds, Erin Cody, and Debbie and Karen Reynolds
Miriam Rita, Richard Love, Linda Pieratt, David Rita, Kristy and Kainoa Love, and Wayne Pieratt
Aldrine Guerrero
Enoka Mose, Dona Kanahele, Ekena Mose, and Nalani and Kinohi Kanahele
Tonni, Madison and Tyler Riley
Elia and Esaias Mose
Garrett and Suzie Oshiro, Joey, Jakob, Ellie, Lia, Eme and Kevin Richards
Aldrine Guerrero, Sam Kamoa, Olamon and Kepa Kruse
Kekoa and Kanoe Kanahele, Kaleuhano and Kaimana Castaneda, Devan Kaye and Johnny Kanahele Jr.
Tyler and Madison Riley
Keegan, Derek and Westy Kessler
Eloani Mose and Chailan Kanahele
Christine, Samantha and Sabrina Murphy, Kalei, Lynette and Makena Buhk, Steve and Shane Murphy, and Ryan and Monika Buhk