Now that the KIUC board of directors election is over, what should it focus on?

KMW-Poll-031914-1Margaret Pendleton
Store Manager, Wailua

“More solar and wind power.”


KMW-Poll-031914-2Diane Kellett
Schoolteacher, Kapaa

“Renewable energy combined with a way of lowering costs over the long term. It’s a challenge, since there are the upfront costs of changing over energy production.”


KMW-Poll-031914-3Tiare Mata
Hoike TV Employee, Kapaa

“Green energy and more diversified forms of power production.”


KMW-Poll-031914-4Chava Doppio
Musician, Kapaa

“A focus on teaching people how to save energy would be a nice start. Then, how best to change over to the most efficient power generation and distribution possible.”


KMW-Poll-031914-5Collin Darrel
Restaurateur, Kapaa

“Affordable power sourced through island-conducive means.”