What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?

KMW-Poll-072314-Image01-DLAmmocha Thepass Sculptor, Anahola

“I had kangaroo when I was in Australia.”


KMW-Poll-072314-Image02-DLSean Smull Chef at Oasis On The Beach, Kapaa

“Seasoned crickets. They were sour cream and onion flavored, like the potato chips. Crunchy and delicious!”


KMW-Poll-072314-Image03-DLGabe Thayer Landscaper, Wainiha

“When I was in Mexico, I had a soup that was like menudo, but it had some crazy stuff in it. The main part was tongue as well as other, more ‘unmentionable,’ parts of the cow.”


KMW-Poll-072314-Image04-DLKai Campbell Carpenter, Anahola

“I had dog on accident. Someone brought the dish to a potluck and didn’t say it was dog until after I had tried it. Not good at all.”


KMW-Poll-072314-Image05-DLAlison Zaminska Administrative Assistant, Kapaa

“At a potluck, I had a fish eyeball. I tried, but I just couldn’t get myself to swallow it.”