If they made a movie of your life, in what genre would it be and who would you like to play you?
Shawna Duhigg Baker’s Assistant, Kealia
“I think it would be a comedy and I’d have my sister Michelle play me.”
Aaron Leicham Chef/Owner ,Street Burger, Kapaa
“I’d like to see it as an old, black-and-white, classic-style film noir movie starring either Steve McQueen or Steve Martin.”
Lenette Vierra Owner, Crossfit High Impact, Poipu
“It would have to be an action-comedy. Maybe have Angelina Jolie as me. Something like Tomb Raider, but funnier.”
Liz Fletcher Owner, Paradise Beauty, Princeville
“It would be fun to have the movie starring Kim Basinger in a Felliniesque sci-fi.”
Jahn Hoover Hairstylist, Wailua
“I’d like to see Robert Downey Jr. play me in a Robert Altman film.”