All About Music In Kalaheo

Scotty Shapiro

By Scotty Shapiro
Owner of Scotty’s Music

Tell us about your business. Scotty’s Music is a full-line music store. We sell every kind of instrument here including ukuleles, saxophones, trumpets, electric pianos, guitars and flutes. I have two employees, Gilburn Lorenzo and Lyn Garcia, who are wonderful and do a fantastic job. A large part of our customer base is because of their expertise and friendliness.

What sets your business apart from others? We pride ourselves in giving the greatest value. We actually have greater value than you will get on the Internet. We keep a computer in the store where we will price out all competitive products for the customer, at which time we do make sure to negotiate. And we always negotiate on large-ticket items. We offer much lower pricing than the best price you can find on the Internet.

Why do you do what you do? I like adding to the community an outlet where they can have a good selection of guitars and all the instruments instead of having to be very limited or going to Honolulu. I also enjoy music and play the piano, compose, play a little guitar and attempt singing on a daily basis.

What motivates you to get up and go to work? I enjoy meeting people and I like keeping busy. I’m not ready to fully retire, and this is a great place to remain active.

What is the most challenging aspect of doing business on Kaua’i? I guess what’s challenging is to make sure that everybody can find what they want at the best price. People have a broad spectrum of what they are looking for. To have something that everybody wants and give it to them at a better price than what they have on the Mainland is somewhat challenging, but it’s something I’ve been able to accomplish on a daily basis.

What do you find rewarding about this business? I like meeting different people, from musicians who are hobbyists to the people who are actually making a living at it. You also meet people who just like to own something nice and don’t even play music. And you meet a lot of parents who have great aspirations and go out of their way to fulfill the hopes and dreams of their children.

In what ways do you measure success? Well, my store hours are unique. They are from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Because I worked 50 to 60 hours a week on the Mainland for 20 years, when I moved to Kaua’i in 2000, it wasn’t so much about making money as it was enjoying, not a retired lifestyle, but an easier lifestyle. And so I was fortunate enough that I’m able to really enjoy Kaua’i and still come to work five hours a day. It’s wonderful, and the people are wonderful enough that they, many times, can find their way here during those limited hours.

What are your plans for the future? I would like to see Kaua’i, in general, not necessarily grow as far as population is concerned, but I would like to see the island have a successful business environment.

What is your reaction to schools cutting back on art and music programs?

It’s always been proven that it does not benefit by cutting back. These programs are essential for a well-rounded education. Music helps you enjoy life. People like to be creative. For example, I went to see Cabaret on-island recently, and they had a hip-hop dance group of young men to close the show. They were extremely creative and you could see the joy in their hearts from that, and they were highly skilled. I have seen some of them come through my door here and did not realize they were so talented in other areas of art like dance.

Everybody has some form of creativity, and one of the greatest joys in life is to figure that out and exercise it.

Scotty’s Music is located at 2-2436 Kaumualii Highway in Kalaheo. Call 332-0090.