Spreading Beauty On Kaua‘i

H Ferreira with the tools of the trade
By H Ferreira
Owner of H S Ferreira Salon
Tell us about your business. I’m a cosmetologist, which means I can do facials, hair, makeup – I can do everything. But my specialty is haircutting, hair-coloring and hairdressing, which I do at my salon in Lihu’e. I spread beauty in the world and I spread beauty on Kaua’i. Clients come to me, and when they leave here they feel better about how they look. So they look good and feel better. Sometimes it’s got to be an outside job to work on the inside. I have had my own salon on the island since 1988.
How did you get started in this business? Two family members prompted me. The first one was my sister Barbara Cook. She went to Barbizon Modeling School and she told me about Paul Brown, who gave a hair class with his staff while she was there. So I got excited and got my hair cut at the Paul Brown salon on Oahu.
After a year of going regularly to the salon, one day I was sitting in the chair and the place was cranking – it was busy, and it was just fabulous and so exciting I wanted to be a part of it. So I made an appointment with Paul and he had me do his training program, and I also signed up for Trendsetter’s beauty college. The person who inspired me when I was little was my mom, Elsie Ferreira. I would sit on the edge of her bed while she would get ready
What motivates you to get up and go to work every day? It started with money because who doesn’t love money? But more importantly, it’s the relationships I build with the clients.
Do you have a motto for doing business? It’s very simple. Pay the rent and pay the electric. I need to power up because, without that, I can’t do any business. My personal motto is “Go for joy.”

Ferreira cuts, colors and dresses hair
What’s the most challenging aspect of your business? Having been in the business since 1974, I’m not the hot hairdresser I was when I first hit the island. I’m still a really good hairdresser, but I also think we now have a community of great hair-dressers. So having new clients coming in and making sure my schedule is booked is my biggest challenge.
What’s the most rewarding aspect of your business? The people. It’s always the people.
What are your plans for the future? I’m doing this until the day I die. I’m happy with where I am right now.
What’s one thing you wish clients knew? I’m respectful of your time and I hope that you’re respectful of mine.
If you weren’t doing this, what would you be doing? I always wanted to be a roller derby queen.
HS Ferreira Salon
4442 Hardy St.
Appointments available Tuesday and Thursday from 7 a.m. to 8 or 9 p.m., and Wednesday from 10 or 11 a.m. to 8 or 9 p.m.