My hand is already in the cookie jar when I get caught. Figuratively, that is. The cashier is placing a..
Slice of Life
I occasionally leave the last morsel of bread crust on my plate, regularly knock on wood and unfailingly execute one..
It was one of the greatest presents we ever got. It cost thousands of dollars, but it’s not a Porsche...
It is supposed to be a trial, a first time for him to stand-up paddle in the river. I am..
The other day, while preparing chicken-flavored squash and long-rice soup, I found myself extracting a tiny staple from a small..
I went for a test drive today. Why in the world would I pull a stunt like that when I’m..
I once ran out of gas in a busy, dark, narrow, one-way underpass in the middle of a U.S. metropolis..
Me? Attend a classical concert and sit still for two whole hours? It’s not that I don’t like classical music...
Midlife crises make us do peculiar things. For some, it’s dashing away in the proverbial red convertible sports car parading..
It’s almost midnight. I’m pooped and quickly fall into a deep sleep. An hour later, I’m awakened by dogs barking..