’Tis The Season For Generosity

Princeville firefighters visit Kaua‘i Pacific School Dec. 13

It’s the holiday season, and, for many that means giving of yourself and of your time. With this in mind, Leadership Kaua’i just announced plans for a homeless outreach project Saturday, Jan. 15, for Salt Pond Beach Park. Director Sherri Patrick says while the idea came to her somewhat organically when trying to figure out how to kill two proverbial birds with one stone, it was a no-brainer: combining Leadership Kaua’i’s adult and youth programs while doing something for the community, and, of course, learning about an important local issue. For more information, go to www.leadershipkauai.org

The spirit of giving continued as Kaua’i Pacific School students began gearing up for the holiday season by donating toys and food to those in need. On Dec. 13, firefighters from Kaua’i Fire Department’s Princeville station visited Kaua’i Pacific School to discuss the role of helping the community. The firefighters will distribute the gifts to Kaua’i Food Bank. The students chanted the oli, “kihe a mauli ola,” with the idea of giving the blessing of a cloak of spirit life, literally translated as the expression, “sneeze and live” …

While it’s the time of year to give, it’s also the time of year to give thanks. The Kaua’i YWCA Na Wahine Alaka’i O Kaua’i nominations are open for consideration through Dec. 23. If you’re interested in nominating someone, go to www.ywcakauai.org to view the online nomination form. The award is intended to honor outstanding women leaders of our island. Two women in the age 31 and higher category and one in the age 18-30 category will be selected and honored at this year’s May 12 award luncheon …

Employees and volunteers with the West Kaua’i Food Pantry, Nana’s House and Hanapepe Salvation Army are taking matters into their own hands this year, and plan to push decorated Big Save shopping carts along the Waimea Lighted Christmas Parade route beginning at 6 p.m. Dec. 18. It’s the perfect opportunity for those wanting to help to bring canned food or dry goods for donation. The parade travels east along Kaumuali’i Highway, from Waimea Canyon Drive to Waimea Bridge, back along Waimea Road to Hogfaard Park. Post-parade entertainment will include musicians Russell Wellington, the Kaua’i All Stars, Pali, Darryl Rapozo, Jerry Jonah and Tad Miura

Daphne Sanchez

The County of Kaua’i has launched its webcast project so the public will enjoy more ease of access, pushing our little Garden Island further into the 21st century. Though the move doesn’t make other entities like Ho’ike public television and channel 53 obsolete, it certainly changes things for those accustomed to getting their news from online sources or who watch TV programs on Hulu.com. Though it had a few glitches at first, the launch went off without a hitch, and the county has officially begun its online streaming of County Council, Planning Department and Police Commission meetings. To view them, go to www.kauai.gov/webcast-meetings

Congratulations to Daphne Sanchez, who is the newly crowned Miss Island Mokihana 2011 and winner of the organization’s scholarship. Sanchez, a multitalent who has a killer voice and smile, also snagged the Congeniality, Spirit, Best in Lifestyle, Fitness in Swimsuit and Best in Talent awards. Congratulations also to Kieran Caberto,who won the Miss Island Mokihana’s Outstanding Teen 2011 …

It was all about long-term and old-school sustainability as Mayor Bernard P. Carvalho Jr., his wife Gina and staff members visited the Kaua’i Hindu monastery last week (himalayanacademy.com), to meet with Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami. Bodhinatha offered insight on a range of sustainability initiatives, including ideas stemming from growing food, reserving energy use and how to stockpile supplies in the event of a disaster …

The folks at Lawai International Center are asking residents to join them in what they dub as a tranquil walk on the path of the 88 Shrines, or an opportunity to discuss this spiritual site in Lawai Valley Dec. 26 at Wawei Road in Kalaheo, makai side. Tours are at 10 a.m., noon and 2 p.m., and the site is open the second and last Sundays of each month.

To learn more, call 639-4300, or go to www.lawaicenter.org.