A ‘Blue Hawaii’ Party To Remember

Tim Welch as Elvis on stage Sept. 29 at the 50-year celebration of ‘Blue Hawaii’. Amanda C. Gregg photos
How cute it was to see Elvis serenade Kaua‘i Visitor’s Bureau executive director Sue Kanoho Sept. 29 at a jam-packed 50-year anniversary celebration of Blue Hawai‘i at Kaua‘i Marriott Resort, which attracted guests from as far away as Japan and sold out some 600 tickets. The celebration wasn’t just about the “King” or even the legendary Coco Palms, it also was Kanoho’s birthday. Of course, her real “King,” firefighter husband Solomon Kanoho, was on hand to join in the celebration. Hauoli la hanau, Sue! …
We’re in full-blown election season, and MidWeek
Kaua‘i has dedicated its current cover story and a section of its next issue to bring readers our interviews with Prosecuting Attorney Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho and her opponent Justin Kollar. Kollar and Carvalho sat with us individually in an editorial forum, which included our editor Don Chapman, writer Coco Zickos and myself, and we covered topics readers said piqued their interest. Among the questions we asked was the candidates’ relationship with KPD, as we feel it’s crucial to be collaborative with the police department if you’re going to successfully prosecute cases. See our cover story to read their responses …
Speaking of the election, the general election voter registration deadline is this week. According to the Elections Division of the Office of the County Clerk, the last day for new voters to register to participate in the General Election is Monday (Oct. 8). Completed voter registration forms must be turned in to the Elections Division by 4:30 p.m. Wikiwiki Voter Registration Forms are available at U.S. post offices, public libraries, in the Yellow Pages, and on the Elections Division website: kauai.gov/elections. The General Election is Nov. 6 …
It’s almost time for the eighth annual Kaua‘i Veterans Memorial Hospital Golf Tournament, notes Steve Kline, occupational therapist at KVMH and tournament chairman. The KVMH Charitable Foundation, formed in 1998, supports the major needs of the hospital, and raises funds for equipment, patient care, staff programs and education, a building renovation and expansion. Foundation members obtain funds through grants, community events and individual donations. The benefit tournament will be even more about fun and whimsical this year, as it will have a “Happy Golfaween” theme, with one free mulligan for a carved/decorated pumpkin. Shotgun start is 8 a.m. at Po‘ipu Bay Golf Course, followed by a reception in the Grand Hyatt Ballroom. Donations can be in the form of major sponsorship levels, which include platinum range ($1,000 or more) gold ($500 or more) silver ($300 or more) and bronze ($100 or more). Early bird registration is Oct. 24. Checks or donations can be made to: KVMH Charitable Foundation, PO. Box 1193, Waimea, HI 96796 …
Cultural workshops, Native Hawaiian demonstrations, Ni‘ihau musicians and singers, and a food competition will all be part of the fun at the Na Lima Hana festival Oct. 17-20 at Grand Hyatt Resort and Space in Po‘ipu. The festival (which means “many hands working”) will offer several free, hands-on cultural demonstrations, according to Stella Burgess. This year’s festival also brings a “chop block” food competition, similar to the popular “chopping box” program on The Food Network, and four amateur and four professional teams will compete to prepare an entree. In addition, Hawaii Lodging and Tourism Association Kaua‘i will host a conference that includes a cultural tour of the South Shore as well as sessions on gathering, cleaning and creating Native Hawaiian art from indigenous plants. Also part of the series of events is a two-day intensive workshop on how to write grants for funding from the Administration for Native Americans. For a complete event schedule, go to https://nalimahana.net. For more information, contact Burgess at 240-6360 or email stella.burgess@hyatt.com …
Jan Pascua of Better Choices, Better Health says programs are in full swing for seniors with chronic health conditions, and kupuna are encouraged to participate. The program is offered once again by the County of Kaua‘i Agency on Elderly Affairs. The six-week series of interactive workshops will be held in Princeville and Lihu‘e, and is based on Stanford University’s Chronic Disease Self-Management Program, which has been implemented nationally and internationally. Participants will learn skills for healthy living while managing ongoing health conditions. Among the topics to be covered are: How to deal with problems such as frustration, fatigue, pain and isolation, appropriate use of medications, how to evaluate new treatments, nutrition, and communicating effectively with family, friends and health care professionals. In addition, a workshop for those who have diabetes, and their caregivers, is now being offered. The program delves into the above topics, as well as preventing low blood sugar and other complications; monitoring blood sugar, how to handle sick days, and skin and foot care. The workshops are held for 2 1/2 hours once a week for six weeks. Cost is $12 for the entire six-week series for seniors age 60 and older and their caregivers, and includes a companion book and a relaxation CD/audio tape. Scholarships are available upon request. People younger than 60 can attend the workshops for a $40 fee. Chronic Disease Self-Management Program will be held Tuesdays from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at the Church of the Pacific community hall in Princeville, and Saturdays from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at KCC School of Nursing/County Civic Center Piikoi Conference Room A in Puhi. The Diabetes Self-Management Program also is offered Fridays from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at the County Civic Center in Piikoi Conference Room A in Lihu‘e. To register for the Better Choices, Better Health workshops or to request materials in an alternate format or an auxiliary aid, please contact Charlyn at the Agency on Elderly Affairs at 241-4470. Other workshops around Kaua‘i are being planned. For schedules and more information, go to kauaiadrc.org …
Congratulations to The Jam Room, which recently celebrated its third anniversary of providing drug-and alcohol-free entertainment for youths at Kukui Grove Center. The celebration included “Kendama Rama,” with host Nui Wong and Kaua‘i High School freshman Shandee Sugimura. There also was a free drawing for prizes galore from Japan including six kendama and special “Never Give Up” wrist-bands from Iwaki City. Right on, Daphne Sanchez, Butters Leopold and Art Umezu for keeping this going, and going strong! The Jam Room is free. It is open 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fridays (next to GameStop). To learn more about the Jam Room, email Leopold at butters2011@yahoo.com …