It’s Time To Get ‘Sweaterized’

Halau Palaihiwa O Kaipuwai, under the direction of kumu hula Kehaulani Kekua, has open enrollment through Jan. 19
Help! I’ve been Sweaterized! Rocky Riedel is buzzing about the new app her daughter Trisha made for iPhones and iPads. It’s the Christmas Sweater-izer. Pick a sweater, choose a head shot you like, combine the two and send it out. The app goes for 99 cents at the iTunes Store. Says Riedel, who surprise-sweatered me, “Check it out! It is awesome!” Go to: …
Halau Palaihiwa O Kaipuwai, under the direction of kumu hula Kehaulani Kekua, is hosting an open enrollment period through Jan. 19. The traditional hula school accepts new students only twice a year.
Orientations and enrollment meetings for prospective students will take place on four Wednesdays from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall, Kilauea, where the halau is based. The dates are Dec. 8 and 29 and Jan. 5 and 19. Full attendance at an orientation meeting is required to join the halau. Enrollment is open to children 8 years and older, as well as adults and seniors. No prior experience is required. Call 346-7574, e-mail, or visit …
Each Friday, Hanapepe hosts an art night, drawing crowds that meander in and out of galleries. But this Friday, the town has an added attraction – the Hanapepe Winter Christmas Festival in Hanapepe Town Park. It runs from 4:30 to 9 p.m. and promises to be a gala fest with buildings trimmed and lighted, an appearance by Santa, a tree-lighting ceremony at dusk, choirs, carolers, bands, crafters, food purveyors, games for keiki and more. It’s free, open to the public and sponsored by Talk Story Book Store, West Kaua’i Lions Club and the Historic Hanapepe Town Association. Contact Ed Justus at 335-6469 or for information …
The Lihu’e Library Film Club will host the Kaua’i premiere of One Voice, a documentary about the Kamehameha Schools Song Contest as seen through the eyes of the student song directors as they prepare to compete in a celebration of the revitalization of the Hawaiian language. It will be shown Friday at 6:15 and 8:15 p.m. One Voice won awards at the San Diego International and Hawaii International film festivals, and drew record crowds at HIFF’s Sunset on the Beach presentation. The two same-day screenings are free and open to the public in the Lihue Public Library Conference Room. Seating is limited, according to Carolyn Larson, branch manager. Come early. Call 241-3224 for info…
Pancho Graham plans to whoop it up Saturday at Calvary Chapel in the historic Kong Lung Center on Kilauea Road. He’ll debut his new solo recording Pine Tree Slack Key. Good bud Fred Lunt will join him on steel guitar. Manulele, of course, will be there, and longtime musician pals Paul Togioka, Kirby Keough and Carlos Andrade are expected to be in the lineup. If so, it’s a roster of stars and a don’t-miss steal at $10 per person. We lucky o wat, Kaua’i? Doors open at 7 p.m., music starts at 7:30. Call 346-0807 for more information …
The Kauai Chorale presents “Gloria! It’s Christmas” at its usual two venues this season: This Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in the Kaua’i Community College Performing Arts Center, and Sunday, Dec. 19, at 5 p.m. at the St. Regis in Princeville. Under the direction of Lois Ricciardi, singers will perform John Rutter’s Gloria!, Spanish lullabies, carols in Spanish, the Hallelujah Chorus gospel-style and the annual audience sing-along of traditional carols. Tickets cost $8/advance from chorale members; $10 at the door. Call 337-1882 for more information …
Enjoy a Sunday walk at 88 Shrines at the Lawai International Center on Wawae Road Makai in Kalaheo. Tours run at 10 a.m., noon and 2 p.m. on the second and last Sundays of each month. Lawai International Center announces that the song Imagine by John Lennon, performed in Hawaiian and English by Keola Beamer and Raiatea Helm on their recent CD, is its heart song. The CD is available for $15 as a fundraiser, and is available at numerous locations around the island. More details are on the center’s website at, or call 639-4300 …
Island School’s choral ensembles present “Welcome Christmas!” their third annual Christmas concert. The program features Island School students on clarinet, flute, glockenspiel, percussion instruments and ukulele. The musical evening happens Tuesday, Dec. 14, at 7 p.m at Kaua’i Community College Performing Arts Center. Tickets cost $10 for adults; $5 for students in grades 4-12; free for children grade 3 and under. Get advance tickets from the Island School office or on the night of the performance at the KCC Performing Arts Center box office …