Look Who’s Speaking Of Sports

Duane Shimogawa
The MidWeek Kauai staff continues to take shape, with local boy Duane Shimogawa coming on as sports columnist. Duane had a three-year stint as sports editor of The Garden Island, then went on to do TV reporting in Honolulu. Look for Speaking of Sports this week on page 25 …
It’s shaping up to be a great year for lychee, with the luscious red fruits hanging heavy on the trees and folks selling them for as little as $2.50 per pound out of their yards … Hooked akule and ahi is showing up for sale on island roadsides, too, and one eastside vendor even has poi …
Ed Kawamura of M. Kawamura Farm Enterprises is making sure the 16 skinny horses taken into custody by the Kauai Humane Society are getting enough to eat. The longtime Lihue business donated about 100 bags of alfalfa cubes for the horses, and is offering a 10 percent discount to anyone who wants to buy cubes to help out. Way to go, Ed …
Makana is another person with great community spirit. He’s performing a benefit concert June 26 at KPAC for Growing Our Own Teachers on Kauai. It’s a nonprofit that gives scholarships to students, many of them working full time while attending college, who need help paying the bills during that final year of unpaid student teaching. You can check out its Web site at www.growkauaiteacher.org or pick up tickets at outlets around the island …

Duane Shimogawa
Meanwhile, Natasha Abadilla of Waimea High School, Marc Jason Abundo of Kaua’i High and Kara Dastrup of Kapa’a High got some help furthering their education from the Mamoru and Aiko Takitani Foundation, which awarded scholarships to the teens …
If you’ve got a teen with time on his or her hands, Bill Grier says the Summer Youth Employment Program is still hiring. Applications can be picked up between 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays at the Work Wise office, next to the Lihue Big Save … And Rosemary Smith (give her a call at 822-5216) is still accepting registrations for Winners Camp on Oahu, with sessions offered July 18-24 and Aug. 8-14. It’s a great way to help teens build self-confidence and creativity, and applicants this year are eligible for $100 scholarships …
Sen. Gary Hooser will be celebrating Father’s Day from 5 to 7 p.m. June 20 at Smith’s Tropical Paradise with a fundraiser for his campaign for lieutenant governor. Dads get to eat the barbecued chicken and pork for free … Mayor Bernard Carvalho is seeking a second term and getting ready for the second annual Mayor-a-thon, set for June 26 on the Lihi Park to Ahihi Point section of the Path. You can walk, jog, run or bike with the mayor for two to eight miles as part of his campaign to promote fitness, but you’ll need to register in advance at www.getfitkauai.com. If you really get in the spirit and decorate your bike, stroller or self, you may just win a prize … While we’re talking about the Path, dogs are now welcome all along it, except right in front of Lydgate Park. Make sure they’re licensed, though, or you could get a ticket. Retractable leashes also are banned … We really do want to hear from you, so please send us your news, story ideas and calendar announcements. We’d also love to feature your photos – winning sports team, family reunion, new grandchild, big fish, giant squash, special event or whatevah – on our new Focus page.
Send stuffs to aomalley@midweekkauai.com.