North Shore Shuttle Service Debuts

Desirae Reis of Experience Kauai with Pastor Glenn Frasier (left) and Mayor Carvalho at the blessing of the new North Shore shuttle. Photo from Kauai County
Hawaii Children’s Theatre is performing Shrek The Musical Nov. 14-23 at Kauai Memorial Convention Hall in Lihue. The play is based on the Dreamworks’ film and is appropriate for all ages. Director Marly Madayag, who also led Kalaheo Elementary School musicals, is Kauai’s 2014 Teacher of the Year. Bailey Hutton is stage manager, Nina Saraos is musical director and Carol Culver is choreographer. Kathy Leonard is creating the costumes and Alexandria Taogoshi will design hair and makeup. The sets, puppets, dragons (oh, yes) and other technical effects are being crafted by a group of volunteers including Brooke Morgan, Esther Manning, Brenda Biehler, Jarhett Gaines, Steve Whitney and Arnoud Teersteg. The leading roles of Shrek, Donkey, Fiona and Farquaad will be played by Robert Carrasco, Isaac Worth, Jennifer Downs and Ross Martineau, and Darlene McLeod is the voice of the Dragon. Visit for more information. Break a leg, everyone …
The talented slack key guitarist Pancho Graham has let me know that he will be playing with musical group Na Pali Saturday at Kilauea Theatre (next to Kong Lung Market Center) from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Band members include Carlos Andrade, Pat Cockett and Rick Gerding. Tickets cost $20 at the door, or can be purchased at Hawaiian Music Store kiosks at Princeville Center and Coconut Marketplace …
Speaking of slack key: the 22nd annual Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Festival Kauai Style is slated for Sunday at the Kauai Beach Resort from noon to 6 p.m. This year, 30 people from Japan will be performing with their teacher Yuki “Alani” Yamauchi, Japan’s No. 1 slack key artist. Cost is $10 at the door …
Malia Chun of Na Pua Noeau, a cultural enrichment program for children at Kauai Community College, tells me a group of Westside ohana is putting together the second annual Aloha Aina Celebration, to be held Saturday from 11 a.m. to sunset at Kekaha Boat House in celebration of the makahiki season and to create positive solutions for caring for the aina and our natural resources. There will be a seed exchange, educational booths and vendors, makahiki games, hula halau and healthy fare provided by taro farmers …