Red Cross Seeks A New Director

Members of Kalaheo Girl Scout Cadet Troop 950 volunteered recently at the Friendship Force Victorian Tea
The American Red Cross Hawaii State Chapter, Kaua’i Office announces a vacancy for Kaua’i County director. So many skills are needed for this job – find more about them by taking a look at the application online at or call 739-8118 …
Salute the sun for inner and world peace. On Sept. 18 and 19, thousands of yogis will practice 108 sun salutations at hundreds of locations around the world in honor of the United Nations International Day of Peace. The event is called Global Mala Yoga for Peace Project and takes its name from the sacred prayer beads known as “mala.” On Sept. 19 at 9:30 a.m., Samantha Fox, a certified Anusara Yoga instructor and owner of Kaua’i Yoga and Fitness, will host an event at Anini Park., oceanside at the park to the right of the boat launch ramp. Bring your open heart, a yoga mat and water. It’s free and Fox will accept donations on behalf of KORE KAUAI,, which helps people with disabilities and their families to enjoy the ocean and surf its waters. For information, call Fox at (808) 351-4958 …
The Elections Division of the Office of the County Clerk notes that Sept. 16 is the last day for early voting. It takes place in the basement of the Historic County Annex Building. A ramp running down the left side of the building leads to the spot. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call 241-4800 …
Speaking of new hires: Welcome Coco Zickos,my new MidWeek Kaua’i colleague. Formerly with the Garden Island, we’re pleased to have this talented and personable young woman on board …,an online literary journal, announces its fifth annual creative competition with the theme of “Refuge,” to be sponsored by the Garden Island Arts Council. Winners and other noteworthy contributors will have their work posted on the website and they will be invited to read them to an audience on a special night later in the fall. Entries must be relevant to Kaua’i. The deadline for submitting entries is midnight Sept. 30. Read specifics online at …
Tea is a hot topic. Kaua’i Historical Society sold out its fundraiser Victorian Tea in Hanalei, and the Friendship Force of Kaua’i used High Tea in the Forest as its theme for a fundraiser held in member Gisela Shelton’s Wailua rain forest garden, where Kalaheo Girl Scout Cadet Troop 950 volunteered as servers, and the entertainment was enjoyed by all. Friendship Force groups are community-based volunteer organizations that work to increase international understanding through home hospitality.
Bev Olsen has more info: 826-9475 …
And yet another tea item … Here’s something different to do on a Sunday: The Hanapepe Café and Bakery will host a genuine English Tea Sept. 19 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., promising an assortment of sweets and savories, and tea, tea, tea. Information and reservations are a call away at 335-5011…
Go green, get green. Hawaiian Telcom announced that Jeff and Rhonda Garcia from Kaua’i are the first-quarter winners of its Go Green paperless billing initiative. Hawaiian Telcom encourages customers to go green by signing up for paperless billing. Winners in the residential category, the Garcias received a $500 VISA gift card …
Philip Steinbacher, choral director at Island School, announces plans to take the Island School Alakai Chorus to Oahu in November to participate in the first 2010 Hoolokahi Festival All-High School Mass Chorus concert. This event, sponsored by the Hawaii Youth Opera Chorus, the Honolulu Mayor’s Office of Culture and the Arts, and the Hawaii Chapter of the American Choral Directors Association, gives Hawaii high school singers an opportunity to sing challenging music with a top-notch choral clinician. On Nov. 13, the walls of Blaisdell Concert Hall will ring with a mass chorus of more than 350 high school singers from across the state joining in with the Royal Hawaiian Band …
Author Keahi Felix has a book out, Wahine Noa: for the life of my country. In it, she says she attempts to bust the myth that says might makes right in relations between countries. The sovereignty advocate asserts that the legal and political status of Hawaii ought to be as a co-equal Member State of the international body of nations as opposed to that of an incorporated state in the federation of U.S. states. Check our calendar for appearances on Kaua’i through Sept. 25, or leave a message at 821-0179 …
Just a reminder: We’re anxious to start a new page in MidWeek Kaua’i, Focus on Kaua’i, featuring photos of your friends and family. Please e-mail pix to senior editor Terri Hefner at Say cheese, and we’ll see you in MidWeek!