T + L: Kaua‘i Is The Isle’s Best

Koloa Plantation Days celebrates its 25th anniversary with a parade Saturday

Travel + Leisure magazine named the Garden Isle the second-best island in the world and the top destination in Hawaii. The rating comes from reader surveys that take into account five qualities: natural attractions, activities and sights, restaurants and food, people and value. Claiming first place in the magazine’s listing of World’s Best Islands for 2010 is … the Galapagos Islands. Says Kaua’i Visitors Bureau head Sue Kanoho: “This is such a thrill for Kaua’i to again earn this recognition from Travel + Leisure’s readers”…

Jeff Demma and Ross Martineau, currently starring in The Complete History of America (Abridged)! at the Sheraton, have taken on supporting roles in a great cause. They’re gearing up to ride the 110-mile Paradise Ride Kaua’i 2010 over two days, Aug. 7-8. It’s the major annual fundraising event for Malama Pono Kaua’i AIDS Project. Both have their reasons for participating for a fifth time. Says Demma, “Because I can and I want to make a difference.” Says Martineau, “Because it is not with words, but with actions that change occurs.” Check out the teams, including Jeff & Ross’s at: www.active.com/donate/paradiseridekauai10

The Alzheimer’s Association launched a pilot, Visiting Geriatrician Program on Kaua’i, with the next visit scheduled for July 23. Residents may bring family members who may have Alzheimer’s for a consultation with Dr. Brett Flynn, specialist from Queen’s Medical Centers. Kaua’i does not have a resident geriatrician.

Appointments are necessary. Physicians may refer patientd to, or individuals may call Connie Moises at Queen’s Healthcare Centers: 246-4707. Inquiries about caregiver support services may go to Humberto Blanco at the Alzheimer’s Association office, 245-3200 …

All hail, it’s summer, and it’s beach time! Building sand castles isn’t just for keiki at the Sand Castle/Sand Art Contest taking place in Hanalei to the left of the pier on Saturday, July 31, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Julian Miller says there will be competitive divisions with prizes, and anyone can have a lesson with world-renowned sand sculpture artist and teacher Jeff Peterson. Read more about it on Miller’s blog at juliankauai.wordpress.com. Don’t forget the pails and shovels, spray bottle filled with water and more…

Koloa Plantation Days celebrates its 25th anniversary this year with the theme “Sweet Memories.” The parade happens Saturday with plans to kick off from the Koloa School and Library parking lot at 9:30 a.m. and head to the Annie Sinclair Knudsen Ballpark for live music, hula, food, games, crafts and more. Event coordinator Melissa McFerrin gives a heads up – roads close all around the area from 9 a.m. thru noon. Best to arrive and stake out your turf early so you have a comfy spot from which to view it all, from miniature horses to hunky cowboys, Little Misses of all sorts – the list goes on. The culture of the sugar camps is brought into focus during the entire week and especially on this one day filled, indeed, with sweet memories for many. Check out the week of activities online at www.koloaplantationdays.com

Pinching pennies? Colleen Toyama has tips on how. Visit her blog titled: midlifekauaisis.blogspot.com

Liz Hahn is back home in Waimea after a 19-day choral tour in India as a member of the Voices of Baha, a 130-member troupe of singers auditioned from over 25 nations. A prayer Hahn set to music, Blessed is the Spot, was performed by an American jazz singer. Says Hahn, “It was an honor, a blessing and a very humbling moment, all at the same time.”