You Can Win $100 From MidWeek

Phyllis Kunimura

A new feature begins in this issue of MidWeek Kaua’i: Mystery Shopper, page 6. If you shop at one of our grocery advertisers, you have a chance to win a $100 gift certificate at that store. Congrats to the first winner, Derelyne Gandia of Moloa`a, who won at Kmart …

Phyllis Kunimura, founder of KIDS School, announces publication and release of her book Beyond the Sandbox: Preschool Matters. In it, she discusses what inspired her to found the school after a long career as a kindergarten teacher and how she developed curriculum and additional intervention programs for KIDS students and parents, based on child development principles and research on brain development in young children. Check the community calendar next week for book signings and readings…

Frances Frazier also has a book out, Halia of Hawaii, A Legacy of Language. Frazier, 96, a well-known translator of the Hawaiian language, is a designated Living Treasure of Kaua`i who studied under and worked with Mary Kawena Pukui. Check calendar listing for Aug. 7…

“Arf!” Listen to your dog and look for puppy and dog obedience training classes put on by Dog Fanciers of Kaua`i.Your little Lassie or Kimo or Koala will learn how to behave properly, get socialized and become a good canine citizen when they enter Freddy’s Dog Park at the Kaua`i Humane Society. These classes will be held at Grove Farm Park in Puhi and a fee is involved. Call the DFK hotline at 246-6889…

Frances Frazier

The Lihue Town Core Urban Design Plan won a 2010 Outstanding Planning Award from the Hawaii Chapter of the American Planning Association. Congrats to everyone who had a finger in this intelligent pie. That includes, but is not limited to, the Kaua’i County Planning Department and PBR Hawaii & Associates, whose dedication helped see it through. All sorts of organizations helped along the way. Planning director Ian Costa says the awarded work provides a detailed study and plan for enhancing and improving Lihue as a vibrant, walkable town center, and the social and commercial heart of Kaua`i. The plan establishes four special planning areas in Lihue and introduces updated and improved design guidelines and development standards, including provisions for mixed-use development in certain areas. It also focuses on transforming Lihue into a pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly town through detailed roadway standards that incorporate “Complete Streets” principles. ..

The family of Ashton Souza, 8, has accrued medical bills for the child’s condition discovered in May and treated at Queen’s Medical Center – to include brain surgery. Mom had to quit work to care for her keiki and everyone is being kind beyond belief. The Make A Wish Foundation will fly the boy and his family to Disneyland for five days. A fundraiser at Vidinha soccer field is coming up Aug. 15, details to appear in that date’s calendar. Keep an eye out for the information and come enjoy a family fun day and entertainment. The family is grateful for your kokua…

To feed the needy on Kaua’i, some restaurants have agreed to help the Kaua`i Independent Food Bank to raise funds. Dine out on Aug. 12 and these restaurants will donate a portion of your bill to KFB. Look for a growing list of restaurants at the KFB website at or call Kelvin Moniz at 246-3809, or e-mail him:

NOAA’s Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary announced new primary and alternate members to serve on its sanctuary advisory council. Congrats to Garden Isle appointees Sharon Pomroy and alternate James Yamamoto. The council is an important link between sanctuary management, user groups and communities, according to the regional director. These council members help bring the voices of our varied and diverse community to the table in helping the sanctuary manage its protected marine areas…

(from left) Grant Murakami and Kimi Yuen of PBR Hawaii accept the award with Kaua'i County planning director Ian Costa

One Song Food Growing Forum starts Aug. 7 and continues the first Saturday of each month. Sun, a farmer/gardener with 20-plus years of successful bio-intensive organic market gardening in Hawaii, will share his experience and knowledge in an open forum of discussion and hands-on experiences. Call 635-3020 first to register as class size is limited. Donations gratefully accepted…

Rob Zelkovsky‘s sister gave him notice that his appearance in the July 14 issue of MidWeek Kaua`i (“Video Highlights Ocean Charities”) has spread worldwide, thanks to a site she’s been a member of for a few years. It’s called Stumble Upon. Stumble buddies write each other and share pages they like. She writes him, “I shared your MidWeek Kaua`i article with a few of my stumbler friends and it’s now being listed as an ‘excellent site’ and Stumble itself is sending it to thousands and thousands of stumblers to see it.”

Well, it’s nice to be stumbled upon!