A Memorial Day Salute To Military

Calamari steak with chili sauce
It was Winston Churchill who said all the great things are simple, most expressed with a single word: Freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy and hope.
It’s with that in mind that I’d like to give a “shout out” to not only our military, but their family members, who have sacrificed time and again — fitting, not only because of the coming Memorial Day holiday, but because May marks the 13th annual Military Appreciation Month. The designation was celebrated in style particularly on the island’s West side, at its Taste of Waimea at Waimea Plantation Cottages, where Stephanie iona and Chanda Riggan Takamura and members of the Kaua’i Chamber of Commerce along with the talented Makaha Sons put on a fantastic event.
The evening honored our military, specifically the National Guard stationed in Hanapepe and the Pacific Missile Range Facility …
Capt. Nicholas Mongillo and PMRF held a big “Welcome Aboard” event on base May 14 as part of the Navy’s Centennial of Naval Aviation. Mongillo is a Navy aviator …
And director George Costa of the Office of Economic Development let me know the County is partnering with the Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii, the City and County of Honolulu, Maui County and Hawaii County and the Asia Pac ific Economic Cooperation Host Committee to showcase 35 of Hawaii’s best and brightest in innovation in business, products and services during its Leaders’ Week, Nov. 7-13. Entrepreneurs and business- savvy residents alike wanting to apply for consideration should note the application deadline is June 30.

Coconut Shrimp with mango-papaya chutney
To download an application go to: https://www.apec2011ha waii.com/ and click on “business innovation showcase”…
With all the adversity in the world, perhaps solace can be taken in the idea that we have more similarities than differences. Jimmy Johnson (who calls himself the “youth guy”) sent me an interesting quote recently: “It’s not about religion. It’s about relationships.”
With that in mind he went on to explain the idea behind youth-focused group workshops that will be offered 9 a.m. Sundays at Anahola Baptist Church.
The sessions are geared toward those ages 12-22 years old, with topics such as 11 Stupid Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Lives and (of course) 11 Stupid Things Men Do To Mess Up Their Lives.
For more information, e-mail Johnson at Jimmy@KauaiLuxuryHomes.com…

Seafood Kabobs deliver great taste. Daniel Lane photos
Theresa Koki and her Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant staff helped put on another “Shattered Dreams” presentation to demonstrate that drinking and driving permanently changes lives. Called “Every 15 Minutes” on the Mainland (since that’s how often someone dies from an alcohol-related collision)
Shattered Dreams took place at Kapaa High School May 12 and 13.
For those who aren’t familiar with the program, the bone chilling two-day production involves a simulated, fatal drunk driving accident with everything from emergency responders and police to a corpse and courtroom trial.
To see for yourself, take a peek at what Kapaa High School student Alexandra Benting, 16, posted online: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=_PrH41t81Vk…

(from left) Tony Lim, Peng Tay, Michael Knight, Darlene Muraoka
Coconut Shrimp with mango-papaya chutney and Brittany Morgan
And congratulations to Jerry Brocklehurst, the former general manager for KKCR, who will be the new executive director of Leadership Kaua’i. Brocklehurst replaces Sherri Patrick, who will stay on as program director.
Initially spearheaded by County Council-member Jay Furfaro, the nonprofit is known for whetting the leadership palates of its participants in a way that honors local culture, history and community.
(It’s no surprise that prominent alumni include Mayor Bernard P. Carvalho Jr. and County Council-member Mel Rapozo.)
Patrick said Leadership Kaua’i is now accepting applications for its adult leadership development programs, which can be downloaded on its revamped Web site: https://leadership.thinking-man.com. Patrick also said parents of youths interested in programs (for students who will be juniors at the start of the next school year), should contact the office for an application, at 246-8727…

Jerry and Katherine Brocklehurst. Amanda Gregg photo
It would be a glaring omission not to include some praise to this year’s adult Leadership Kaua’i class of 2011 which will be celebrating its completion of the program (and the three community-based projects) at a graduation ceremony Friday, June 17 at Kaua’i Beach Resort. Well done, LK class of 2011!..
We encourage our readers to send in birth and wedding announcements. It just so happened I met Santiago Soto and Michelle Diaz at a recent Daniel Velasco fundraising event, and Soto mentioned he and Diaz would soon share the same last name.
Congratulations on the engagement, soon-to-be-Sotos!…