Kimo’s Vegas

Centurions, Gary Selesner, Vanna White and Harry Friedman present Sherryl C with a check for $1 million. Photos from Kimo Akane
WELCOME TO Kimo’s Vegas … The Player’s Edge!
WHAT’S BETTER than winning a million bucks? Having Vanna White give you the big check. That’s exactly what happened to Sherryl C from Cincinnati. She was one of 20 lucky folks who got a shot at the big money after winning $50,000 on TV. Say it with me: “Wheel of Fortune!”
ANYONE WHO can spell knows what dot com, dot net or dot org are. The folks who invented “what happens here” now have their own TLD. If you’re not into geek speak, that acronym stands for Top Level Domain. That’s the official way to keep track of all the “dot whatevers.” The guys who control the dots and what-comes-next real estate is the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. So far they have approved four new City TLDs – Miami, Boston, New York City and (tah dah) Las Vegas … or .vegas. The total number of new Top Level Domains has not been confirmed, however, entities have requested .bible, .blog, .family, .game, .gay, .pizza, .app, .book, .cloud, .game, .movie, .search, .beauty, .hair and .skin, .baby, .love, .health and .plumbing, to name a few. OK, now I’m gonna be .confused.
BOOM, BOOM, BOOM … After four extensive tests, a judge will allow CityCenter to demolish the flawed, incomplete and vacant Harmon Tower … That’s seven out the hard way.
A HIGH-END thrift store may sound oxymoronic, but that’s what Goodwill is doing with The Déjà Blue Boutique in Summerlin, Las Vegas. Ladies looking for a shopping excursion to the upscale community may find good deals on designer goods.
DAVID FURNISH, Elton John’s significant other, is opening a high-end Champagne club at Caesars Palace later this year. The guy responsible for more hits than (Mafia enforcer) Frank Cullotta returns to the Colosseum Sep. 19.
VEGAS MATH … Airline passengers spend more money on drinks going to Vegas than they do on the way home – that’s because we left our beverage fund in the hotel’s casino.
MORE VEGAS NUMBERS … Liberace’s two-bedroom, 10-bathroom (an odd ratio of bedrooms to bathrooms) Las Vegas estate has sold to a fan(atic) for $500,000.
WHERE WOULD YOU keep $208 million in cash? If your name is Zhenli Ye Gon, you’d keep that kind of kala in the safety of your own home. How’d he get that kind of stash? Nope, he wasn’t a greedy Wall Street banker. He made his fortune the old fashioned way … drug trafficking. $47.4 million – that’s how much the Venetian & Palazzo have to pay in fines for accepting “all cash” deposits from Ye Gon and not notifying the authorities.
KALAHEO CLASS OF 1978 is reunion’ing in Vegas and want Mustangs from ’76, ’77, ’79 and ’80 to join in the Oct. 18 and 19 festivities. Contact Patrick at for the hookup.
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