Fun Gadgets For A Techie New Year

Happy New Year! 2010 has been a fun tech year as we saw the rise of tablet computing and many advanced smart phones pop out of the woodwork, so to speak. I expect 2011 to be filled with more tablets with some extra goodies here and there. Here are some things I think will be popular (or try to be) in 2011:

iPad 2

No official word from Apple yet, but the buzz is production on the next generation iPad will begin soon and will be available for purchase in April. The iPad 2 is rumored to have dual cameras, including a FaceTime camera for video calling, and a gyroscope for advanced motion-control sensing, similar to the iPhone 4. It’s also expected to be thinner than the current iPad and have an improved display. If we’re lucky, it may even include a built-in USB support.

When the current iPad first launched last year, it was difficult to find unless you pre-ordered one. To help you avoid any iPad nightmares, as soon as I hear anything on price, pre-order availability, etc., I’ll be sure to let you know!

Motorola Android Tablet

In early December, Google Android’s Andy Rubin showed off a tablet running Android 2.3 at the D: Dive Into Mobile Conference. Other than that, not very many details were leaked about Motorola’s new Android Tablet, but there is a video posted on YouTube that implies the product will be unveiled officially this week at the Consumer Electronics Show 2011. Check it out at feature=player_embedded.

HP Palm Tablet

Ever since HP bought Palm in early 2010, it promised to develop a product that would be similar to Apple’s iPad. Not many details on this one either, but we know it will run Palm’s WebOS, is code-named Topaz, and offers a Bluetooth keyboard accessory. Most likely Topaz will change to PalmPad, but I hope they’ll be a little more creative on the name.

Nintendo 3DS

You may recall the Nintendo 3DS from a previous column – we’re still waiting for its release (slated for March),and it will cost you about $300. This is the next generation of Nintendo’s DS portable game player and features a 3-D screen, Wi-Fi connectivity and a camera for 3-D photos.