What is your opinion of the proposed minimum wage increase in Hawaii?

KMW-Poll-040214-Image01-DLTJ Beckley
Kapaa, Small-Business Employee

“As far as small businesses go, I think they have a right to be concerned. Some may have to close their doors due to an increase.”


KMW-Poll-040214-Image02-DLKahea Tylor
Kapaa, Customer Service

“In order to survive here, people are having to get three jobs or have eight roommates. So I’m all for an increase.”


KMW-Poll-040214-Image03-DLMolly Alvarado
Kapaa, Customer Service

“The minimum wage definitely should change. It should be kept even with the cost of living wherever you are.”


KMW-Poll-040214-Image04-DLPaul Miller
Kapaa, Tree Care Specialist

“How can anyone be expected to live off of what it is now at $7.25 an hour? The cost of living should be reassessed more often and the minimum wage adjusted to match.”


KMW-Poll-040214-Image05-DLTim O’Connor
Kilauea, Farmer

“People should be paid a livable wage. And you can’t live on $7.25 an hour. At least not in these Islands.”