What is your opinion of the proposed minimum wage increase in Hawaii?
TJ Beckley
Kapaa, Small-Business Employee
“As far as small businesses go, I think they have a right to be concerned. Some may have to close their doors due to an increase.”
Kahea Tylor
Kapaa, Customer Service
“In order to survive here, people are having to get three jobs or have eight roommates. So I’m all for an increase.”
Molly Alvarado
Kapaa, Customer Service
“The minimum wage definitely should change. It should be kept even with the cost of living wherever you are.”
Paul Miller
Kapaa, Tree Care Specialist
“How can anyone be expected to live off of what it is now at $7.25 an hour? The cost of living should be reassessed more often and the minimum wage adjusted to match.”
“People should be paid a livable wage. And you can’t live on $7.25 an hour. At least not in these Islands.”