What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
Ammocha Thepass Sculptor, Anahola
“I had kangaroo when I was in Australia.”
Sean Smull Chef at Oasis On The Beach, Kapaa
“Seasoned crickets. They were sour cream and onion flavored, like the potato chips. Crunchy and delicious!”
Gabe Thayer Landscaper, Wainiha
“When I was in Mexico, I had a soup that was like menudo, but it had some crazy stuff in it. The main part was tongue as well as other, more ‘unmentionable,’ parts of the cow.”
Kai Campbell Carpenter, Anahola
“I had dog on accident. Someone brought the dish to a potluck and didn’t say it was dog until after I had tried it. Not good at all.”
Alison Zaminska Administrative Assistant, Kapaa
“At a potluck, I had a fish eyeball. I tried, but I just couldn’t get myself to swallow it.”