KSA Small Works Show
An opening reception for the annual juried Kaua’i Society of Artists Small Works show was held recently at the Kukui Grove Center exhibition hall. Visitors had a chance to browse works ranging from turned wood bowls, marquetry, pastels, oils and encaustic (a wax-and-paint process) to mixed media, photography, pen and ink, clay, acrylic and more. The show continues through Jan. 28. The gallery is open daily from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Fridays until 8 p.m.
- Les Ventura with his award-winning Koa Tulip Bowl
- (front) Eve Solomon, Kyoko Ishigami, (back) Michelle Dick, Francis DuBois, Licia McDonald, Wayne Jacintho, Les Ventura, Leslie Hagen, Laurel Francis, Tor Chantara and Robbrecht Troost
- Bill Anderton and Judy Graf
- Dorianne Winkler and Fanny Bilodeau
- Laurel Francis and her award-wiinning mixed media piece
- Holden Koki, Zadon Bongolan and Zion Gampong
- Carol Ann Davis and Carol Kouchi Yotsuda
- Ron Stover and Suzanne Cameron-Stover
- Bill Dick
- Wayne Jacintho with his award-winning bowl
- Lucky Wells and Marsha Kiest
- Pat Matsumoto and Eve Solomon
- Sheila Gowen and Leslie Hagen
- Robbrecht Troost with his pit-fired vase
- Robert and Crystal Lober
- Petra Rose Sundheim and Jo Ann Lordahl
- Philip Morgan and Judith White
- Rodney and Jan Pascua
- Shosanah and Chanterell Chantara