Red Raiders Stand Tall Against Menehune
Vidinha Stadium hosted a KIF football season opener between Kaua‘i and Waimea high schools Sept. 1. The Red Raiders beat the Menehune, 32-0.
Photos by RON KOSEN
- Waimea running back Kawelo Huddy tries to cut back against the Red Raiders’ defense.
- Red Raider Bryceson Abigania stiff-arms his way past Isahn Ulandy.
- Red Raider Logan Noice outjumps Isahn Ulandy and snares the ball for a touchdown.
- Red Raider Hoku Parbo dives into the end zone as Keanu Fernandez attempts to push him out of bounds.
- Waimea quarterback Lacin Montemayor fires a quick pass over the line.