Waimea Wins Kif, Off To States
Kauai and Waimea high schools played a doubleheader to end the KIF softball season. This match took place April 26 at Waimea Canyon Park, with Waimea sweeping the KIF title. Next up is the HHSAA state tournament this week on Oahu.
Photos by RON KOSEN
- Waimea outfielder Taylor Lazaro misses in her diving attempt but keeps her eye on the ball
- Waimea shortstop Sienna Santiago and second baseman Jacelynn Sabala-Rapanot collide on an infield pop fly as Kauai’s Kiki Pagador stays out of the way. Santiago made the catch.
- Kauai High shortstop Cailey Caires moves to cover a hard grounder
- Third baseman Tammy Yoshimori hangs on to the pop fly and avoids Caires
- Alyssa Miyamoto makes contact
- Kauai High pitcher Tia Rego