Warriors, Raiders End Match In Deadlock
Kapa‘a and Kaua‘i high schools went head-to-head in a KIF baseball match-up at Ron Martin Field in Kapa‘a March 13. The game ended in a 4-all tie after 10 innings.
Photos by RON KOSEN
- Kaua‘i pitcher Jaden Domingsel goes into his windup while keeping his eyes fixed on home plate.
- Kapa‘a shortstop Ka‘imi Molina tries to get a handle on a ground ball.
- Kaua‘i’s Nainoa Kane-Yates tries to slide under the tag of Tuku Souza-Yim.
- Warriors first basemen Isaac Nagahisa waits for the ball, as Keanu Silva dives back to first.
- Raiders first baseman Wailele Kane-Yates makes the catch, while avoiding Tyler Oshima.