Eager To Join ‘The Machine’
It is de rigueur for political office seekers to decry those already holding some office are part of “the machine.”
Most often it’s someone in the party on the outs pinning the label on people in the party holding the reins of power.
But there can be irony. Charles Djou ran for Congress against the Democratic machine already there. Once in office, he began voting nearly lock-step with his own party machine headed by House minority leader John Boehner.
And what’s a machine anyway? Office holders will tend to support office seekers of similar ideology or great friendship. That’s to say someone of the same party.
I’m not much a fan of political parties. They demand that you toe the party line. I’d prefer a Congress and a Legislature made up of factions who may support or oppose legislation in small groups but are not threatened by the party leadership. Their arguments can stand on merit, not because of party policy.
Some of my colleagues defend the party system, but their arguments are not persuasive. Parties bring a machine-like atmosphere to many pieces of legislation.
The reason we have them is that during the writing of the Constitution, the founders split between those wanting more federal power and those for states’ rights.
Nowadays, the main purpose of a political party is to elect fellow members. Party leaders give lip service to “a big tent,” but in the end they tend to marginalize those who enter the tent reluctantly.
Generally, political party affiliation influences almost everything an elected leader does here or in Washington, D.C. Presidents and governors work closest with members of their own parties. And party members raise money for other party members and support them in their re-election bids.
So, yes, maybe there is a kind of a machine, but it’s one that the office-seeking complainers enthusiastically want to join.
That Bank of America mess that’s halted mortgage foreclosures brings this from a real-estate-savvy friend: Broker A had an accepted offer from Broker B and the Bank of America short sale department on a property for a buyer to purchase.
But the bank took the property to foreclosure sale before escrow could close, and subsequently listed property with Broker C who sold it via Broker D to a buyer who renovated the property, listed it with Broker E and sold it via Broker F to a final purchaser who has made it his home.
What if the foreclosure is invalidated? All brokers had valid contractual agreements allowing commissions, all buyers had valid buys.
Who gets what?
Any answers from brilliant real estate lawyers? BanyanHouse@hula.net