Bringing Out Inner Beauty
Dia Battilla
Owner, Bella Dia Beauty Boutique
Please tell us about your business. Bella Dia Beauty Boutique in Hanamaulu is for every woman. We focus on helping women find their beauty each and every day. We do a range of services here from eyelash extensions to permanent cosmetics (eyeliner, lip liner, eyebrows, and I also do a lot of corrective). We perform facials and microdermabrasion as well as total body waxing. We want to provide a little bit of a sanctuary where every woman can escape and focus on her inner beauty while we focus on her outer beauty.
Why did you start this business? I have been an esthetician for 23 years. I absolutely love esthetics and working with women and showing them how beautiful they are, and creating simplified ways for them to just roll out of bed, feel beautiful and just embrace the day.
How did you start this business? I’ve always really loved wellness and the realm of beauty. Years ago, a woman mentored me and brought me into this world. I worked for nearly 16 years for Aveda corporate. I moved around quite a bit, and the last move was a transfer to Oahu. I fell in love with Kaua’i, and from the time the plane landed – I was over here on business with Aveda – I just felt a connection to the island and I knew eventually that the corporate world and all of the traveling wasn’t me. I had been working on the Eastside at a salon for a number of years, and I had outgrown the confines of my one room and I had always wanted to do my own thing. My clientele have traveled from both sides of the island to see me there and I wanted to have a location more central to everyone, and so I chose to open my business in Hanamaulu.
What’s the most rewarding aspect of your business? Being able to connect with people and show them exactly how beautiful they truly are. Helping them to see the beauty that the rest of the world sees and helping to enhance that.
What’s the most challenging aspect of your business? Not having enough hours in the day. I have a difficult time separating my time here and my time away because I enjoy what I do so much that I spend a lot of time at work. I need to find my balance.
What’s the most popular service people come here for? We do a lot of eyelash extensions here. We have NovaLash, which is the top-rated eyelash extension company in many countries for the last five years. In order to carry its products, you have to go through a rigid certification with the company. The huge difference with its product is the adhesive, which is a medical-graded adhesive that we use for the lashes. It is an adhesive originally created for internal sutures. It’s a rubberized formulation, and so it’s very flexible and has the longest staying power of any eyelash adhesive on the market.
What is a skinny body treatment? It is a treatment we do here that uses a botanical blend that is placed in a specific location on the body, such as your stomach. It’s left on for at least 45 minutes, where at least 1 inch is lost. But you may want to continue to reap the benefits, so we’ll also wrap our customers and send them home so they can keep it on longer and lose more inches.
What is happening during a skinny body treatment? We are all born with a certain amount of fat cells, and what the skinny wrap is doing is drawing or draining away the impurities in the fat cell. So it’s shrinking or reducing the cells.
What sets your business apart from others? The biggest thing that I pride myself in doing is being a day-maker to each and every one who walks through the door. I want people to be able to escape what’s going on in their day and just come in and relax and be pampered. We also really pride ourselves in staying up to date with trends in the industry.
What makes you get up every day and go to work? I absolutely love what I do. Making people smile really makes my heart sing.
Open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
3-4280 Kuhio Hwy., Hanamaulu