Like any proud father, Lawrence Mendonca goes through pictures of his daughter with a smile.”This one is in Japan,” he..
Attorney Kurt Bosshard took a gamble on a solar farm, and it’s paying off for 300 Kaua’i households Farming sunshine..
Continuing a family legacy of contributing to the good of Kaua’i, Will Lydgate establishes a musical residency program for top..
Whether it’s researching marine life in the darkest depths of the world’s seas, invasive species in the Antarctic or in..
Derek Kawakami heads off to the Legislature with the people of Kaua’i in his heart, knowing his roots are here..
BY Chad Pata Eight years after losing an arm to a shark, Bethany Hamilton is still surfing and sharing the..
Jakki Nelson of Kapaa Rotary ventures to strife-torn Ivory Coast to help dispense thousands of polio vaccines, carrying on a..
Grove Farm VP Marissa Sandblom, a Kaua’i native, looks at the big picture in planning the iconic island company’s future,..
Bees are important because of the pollinating work they do – for free. Then there’s that yummy honey. No wonder..
An original crew member aboard Hokulea, John Kruse is today the pillar of paddling Kaua’i. He’s currently at work on..