Jakki Nelson of Kapaa Rotary ventures to strife-torn Ivory Coast to help dispense thousands of polio vaccines, carrying on a..
Kaua’i Coverstory
Grove Farm VP Marissa Sandblom, a Kaua’i native, looks at the big picture in planning the iconic island company’s future,..
Bees are important because of the pollinating work they do – for free. Then there’s that yummy honey. No wonder..
An original crew member aboard Hokulea, John Kruse is today the pillar of paddling Kaua’i. He’s currently at work on..
He lives in a treehouse and rides a bike to get from A to Z. Though that might sound childlike,..
Kaua’i Ocean Recreation Experience (KORE) ambassador Lisa Insalata helps people with disabilities, including first-time participant Doug Schwiesow from Alaska (pictured..
Waimea is the place to be this week for the Waimea Heritage Days, organized by Thomas Nizo (inset, with Sherri..
Whether it’s native Hawaiian rights, the divide between rich and poor, Furlough Fridays or world peace, Raymond Catania refuses to..
Whether working in hotels or politics, Jay Furfaro feels an obligation to preserve and perpetuate Hawaiian culture and values He’s..
Eho’omau (to perpetuate) the Hawaiian culture through education is kumu Sabra Kauka’s main mission in life. In an attempt to..