Hamilton Reaches Out To Boston
I mentioned last week the support and aloha Kaua’i has been showing Boston. Well, it continues – with outstanding surfer and human being Bethany Hamilton raising money for victims of the marathon bombings. Friends of Bethany Hamilton sent a team to Boston to share hope with those who were maimed – something Hamilton is familiar with after losing her arm to a shark. “It’s not common in our country to have such a large group of traumatic amputees all at the same time, in the same location. It’s an incredible opportunity for the foundation to reach out to these amputees who just had their lives turned upside down,” Hamilton said. The team includes Mike Coots (shark-attack survivor, lower-leg amputee), Sarah Hill (youth mentor) and Tom Hamilton (father of Bethany). To make a donation, go to friendsofbethany.com/restoring-hope-boston.
Local business owners, too, are reaching out. Marie Castle of Sweet Marie’s Gluten Free bakery, wrapped up Kaua’i-made goodies to send to Boston marathon victims …
- Aron Nagao | Kaua‘i County photo
- Kamron Cortez. Kaua‘i County photo
The sentencing for two men involved in a string of burglaries, thefts and break-ins ranging from Hanama’ulu to Kapa’a is scheduled for May 9 and Aug. 8. Aron Nagao changed his plea from not guilty to no-contest regarding 15 felony charges in 12 separate cases. He faces more than 100 years in state prison. Co-defendant Kamron Cortez also faces the same sentence for his involvement in 17 felony property crimes. Prosecuting attorney Justin F. Kollar stated, “It is our hope that our efforts make a safer community. We will continue to vigorously prosecute these offenders until the message is received that every individual in our community deserves to feel safe in their own home.” …
Kaua’i Island Utility Cooperative is warning customers about a possible telephone scam. Commercial customers told KIUC that they received calls from someone advising them that their electric bill was past due, and that they would have to provide their credit card information over the phone to continue service. KIUC does not typically call customers about delinquent bills or request credit card information over the phone. A similar scam was reported by Hawaiian Electric Company customers on Oahu in March. Do not provide personal, confidential or financial information to anyone when responding to unsolicited phone calls. If you have any questions or receive any unsolicited phone calls from someone claiming to be with KIUC, call 246-4300 or notify Kaua’i Police Department at 241-1711 …
Hui o Laka, which aims to support a wide variety of publicly accessible interpretive and stewardship programs for Koke’e, invites the public to join in the fun May 26 at the 24th annual Banana Poka RoundUp. The nonprofit requests donations of crafts made of natural materials, such as a basket that Dardanelle Ka’auwai made from the bark of the invasive black wattle tree. Facebook message Hui o Laka images with an example of your work, and include your email address and phone number …
It’s almost time for St. Catherine’s Carnival, May 3 and 4, a fundraiser to support the elementary and intermediate schools in Kapa’a. Replete with flying saucers, corn dogs, and Filipino plates and yakitori sticks made lovingly by parishioners, it promises to be a good time. A petting zoo and face painting also will be part of the fun. For more information, go to: stcatherineschool.org …
- Dardanelle Ka’auwai’s basket made of invasive black wattle Photo from Hui o Laka
- It’s open house at NTBG Mother’s Day | NTGB photo
In honor of Mother’s Day, National Tropical Botanical Garden will host a free open house Sunday, May 12, at Allerton Garden. Go to the South shore Visitors Center (across from Spouting Horn) to board a tram into the valley: First tram leaves at 9:30 a.m.; must be in line by 1 p.m. for last tram into garden. Enjoy crafts, keiki fun, drawings for door prizes and more. Food will be available for purchase. Call 742-2433 or visit news.ntbg.org for more information …
Organizers of the fifth annual Kaua’i Marathon have announced a new feature to this year’s event, the One Grand Mile charity campaign. For each mile marker along the half-marathon course purchased for $1,000, Jeff and Liz Sacchini, founders of the Kaua’i Marathon, will match the dollar amount. The goal is to sell the first 13 mile markers, raising a total of $26,000. One hundred percent of the money raised will benefit nonprofit organizations on Kaua’i. The marathon is scheduled Sept. 1 in Po’ipu. For additional information, go to: thekauaimarathon.com …
And for those gearing up to train for the race, Kaua’i Marathon is partnering with Work It Out in Kapa’a for a Kaua’i resident registration promotion. From May 17 to 31, any Kaua’i resident who registers for the marathon at the Work It Out store in Kapa’a receives $40 off a full or half-marathon entry. Half-marathon entries cost $75 while the full marathon entry costs $105. Promotional entry forms only are available at Work It Out and must be completed and paid for at the store to receive the discount. There are no refunds, transfers or rollovers with this promotion. Kaua’i residents must present valid driver’s license to pick up race packets at the Expo Friday, Aug. 30, or Saturday, Aug. 31, at Grand Hyatt Kaua’i Resort and Spa. For more information, call 822-2292 …
Boot Camp By Stacy also is part of the aforementioned promotion. Owner Stacy Ricciardi is offering a variety of outdoor fitness classes and is going to provide a 14-week running program to all current or new boot campers to use as a guide for their half-marathon training. For more information on her class schedule, email bootcampbystacy@hawaii.rr.com or call 635-1143 …