Kanikapila In Paradise
Keoki’s Paradise in Kōloa presented Kanikapila in Paradise Dec. 2. A benefit concert for Boys & Girls Club of Hawai‘i, the event featured slack-key guitarist Makana, special guest John Cruz and performances by Keiki ‘Ukulele Contest winners.
Photos by Matt Feeser
- Mercedes Casticimo, Barbara Howard, Zeny Tausend, Mary Bolwahnn, Maria Gonzales and Cornelia Works
- Tim Motts, Greg Ames, JoAnn Yukimura, Keli‘i Gouveia and Dylan Ching
- John Cruz, Johnny Garcia and Makana
- Valerie Roland and Roxy Vidinha
- Westy and Derek Kessler, Tylenn Morita and Alicia Serra
- Glen and Tammy Fukagawa, Bob Gunter, Nikki Munroe and Dylan Ching
- Sam Bonanno, Christian Nguyen and Keli’i Gouveia
- Keli‘i Gouveia, Susie Saxten, Greg Ames, Dylan Ching, and Tammy and Glen Fukagawa