I’m the oldest in my family, but not by much. My sister is one year younger than I am, and..
What’s Next
At one of my last doctor checkups, he recommended that I start taking a daily multivitamin. Maybe because it was..
Editor’s note: Ron Nagasawa is on leave. This column was published originally on Aug. 26, 2009. For being a husband,..
Editor’s note: Ron Nagasawa is on leave. This column was originally published March 22, 2006. I like to think I’m..
Editor’s note: Ron Nagasawa is on leave. This column was originally published July 20, 2005. I just came back from..
Lately my wife has been having trouble with her cell phone. For whatever reason, it didn’t fully charge. I took..
With the move of our MidWeek editorial offices to Restaurant Row from Kaneohe, I’m finding so many things that have..
I’ve always liked the week between Christmas and New Year’s. It’s a time for my family to relax from the..
Lately I’ve been thinking about whether cell phones are a wonder or a curse. Sometimes it’s like wearing one of..
By the time you read this, Christmas will have come and gone. But I’m still in the spirit, especially since..